This wedding was charming in more ways than one. Right from the start I knew I would get along with Jamie and Gregory. Josh was supposed to shoot their wedding, but after meeting them, I just couldn’t let him. They are so my people!
Not only is Gregory a hilarious theater guy, but he loves everything Harry Potter. And Jamie is a huge Star Wars fan. If you know me at all, you know theater, Harry Potter and Star Wars are three of my favorite things. How could I not fall in love with this couple immediately?
I can only describe their beautiful journey coming together through their own poetic words, “We talked Zen and the art of living in the present and found our Serenity in our first home, a 1981 air-cooled Vanagon named Ground Control. From there we embarked on a journey of countless nights beneath the stars with our home changing each time we put the van in park. Some nights were along the rocky shores of lakes sitting at the foot of snow-capped mountains. Other nights we were lost in the forest, hidden beneath the canopy of juniper trees. The close quarters and constant disconnect from the stresses of the busy world allowed us to see each other more clearly, and our bond only strengthened.” – Jamie and Gregory.
Every last detail of this wedding was incredibly thoughtful. Jamie and greg both love the outdoors so it was only natural to incorporate their favorite outdoor elements into their wedding. Jamie filled bouquet jars with pine tree clippings and adorned them with charms that perfectly described each of her amazing bridesmaids. One loved dogs and had a dog charm, another an elephant while Jamie had a collection of charms. Jamie’s charms also included two of her Grandmother’s rings as a little something old. In addition to these, Jamie added golden branches to her cascading braided hair.
Gregory will forever sport one of the coolest men’s rings I’ve every seen. All the way around is beautiful little trees. Whenever Gregory is stuck in the office he can look down and imagine being surrounded by trees with his beautiful wife.
Jamie described her dress as reminding her of a fancy grandma doily. I think it fits perfect with the charm of this wedding. When mom and dad both cried seeing her in the dress, she knew it was the one for her.
As a thoughtful bride, Jamie asked all of her bridesmaids to pick a Burgundy dress that they could wear again.
The day started with cheers from the groom to his best man with only the finest Scotch, Lagavulin, the preferred scotch of Ron Swanson form Parks and Rec. Seriously, how fun is this couple! Each groomsmen was gifted a flask with their names engraved on it.
Gregory went on to explain, quite seriously, that he’s bring back the 20’s in 2020. I really hope he does because it was the best decade (at least my favorite decade). To start bringing back the 20’s he and all of his groomsmen wore suspenders and knit ties. Josh would have been proud – for years his only tie was a dark blue knit tie. I think his heart broke a little when he had to wear a real tie. I say it’s time to bring this look back, because it’s awesome!
I just need to say that the lobster was even meaningful. The lobster once belonged to Jamie and was passed down to her sweet little nephew who could not put it down the entire day. It was so sweet!
Then we got to the good part… light saber vs. wand. Gregory got his own hand made Harry Potter wand from Oli’s at Comicon and is a huge Harry Potter fan. Jamie has her own light saber and is a huge Star Wars fan. My kind of people. When we met up before their wedding she asked if we could also grab a quick photo of her with her light saber and him with his wand. I immediately said, “Yes!” I needed no further explanation. I love this couple! They even hand sewed quilts as table toppers, Star Wars for her and Harry Potter for him.
Family. Outside. Tacos. These were the three words they used to describe their wedding. Tacos there were! If you have ever had El Sancho you know how yummy those tacos are.
Jamie and Gregory are so far, to this date, the only other couple that has used the Star Wars theme song as their grand entrance song. At our wedding, I let Josh be in charge of all things music, but this song was the only one I really needed to have. It was perfect for Jamie and Gregory too!
Again, I can’t get enough of this couple. We did the traditional cake cutting at our wedding, but we are not cake people. We had a whole table of pie and ice cream for us. Jamie and Gregory went completely without the cake and stuck to only the best in deserts – Marionberry Pie.
When you fall in love from traveling around in your van with your best friend, roommate and love of your life, of course you need to add maps all throughout the outdoorsy centerpieces for your wedding. It’s also a must to take wedding images with that charming little van that you rode in on the way to the spot where he proposed and you said “Yes!”, the van that brought you together and allowed you to escape life and fall in love forever.