I love social media. I especially love when they change the size requirements of the photos each year (note the sarcasm). It can be super frustrating to have an amazing photo that you want to show off and then not be able to because you can’t get it to upload properly or crop correctly. You are not alone in this frustration. The best way to deal with this issue is to resize and crop the image before you upload.
This helps in so many ways. First off, you get the look you want. Second, if you have photoshop, you can always add more background by stretching part of the image to create the crop you want. Third, there won’t be any compression issues and your image will load quickly. (When you upload a high resolution image it takes forever to load and then the computer with compress it to fit the area it is being posted in. This can create strange artifacts in the image.) The best thing to do when updating your social media images is to upload the correct size from the start.
Here are the updated sizes for 2017:
Profile: 180 x 180
Cover Photo FB: 820wide x 321 on computer and 640wide x 360 on phone/loads fastest as 8521wide x 315
Linked In:
Profile: min 400 x 400
Background Photo: min 1000 x 425 to 20,000 x 20,0000
Cover Photo: 974 x 330
Yelp: 533 x 400
Channel Cover Photos 2560 x 1440
Profile: 110 x 110
Photo Size: 1080 x 1080
Profile: 400 x 400
Header Photo: 1500 x 500
Profile: 165 x 165
Pin sizes: 238 wide
Board images: 222 x 150
Google Plus:
Profile: 250 x 250
Cover Image: 1080 x 608
When you book your headshot session with me, I provide a Social Media Package with each retouched high resolution headshot. This means that I take care of resizing and cropping to make sure you look amazing all over the place. It also saves you some serious time and headaches. When you get your photos back, you can start using them right away. All you need to do is get those photos uploaded.
In the Social Media Package, your headshot will be resized for: Face Book profile photo, Linked In profile photo, Yelp, Google Plus profile & YouTube Profile. You may request two additional sizes as well. Should the platforms change their sizes again (and they will), my clients can come back and request an updated Social Media Package for their headshot at discounted rate. This will keep you looking professional all year long without any headaches.